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Themen - damianpl

Anstoss action / Nationalmannschaften
20. Juni 2018, 12:40:21
First of all, sorry that I'm writing this post in english, but I'm from Poland and I can't speak german (just a little). I'm a big fun of Anstoss Action, but in Poland we haven't got any sites about this game, so I decided to write to You.
Anyway, come already to the point.
Few days ago, I found in editor.exe, kits for national teams, but these teams are not in game (like Peru, Albania, Tunisia etc.). I thought that I can "unlock" them, but I didn't find any way how to do it (found one interesting file - laender.sav, but there's only kits colours too)
And there is my question, is it possible to play with these national teams?